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• Til 2 stk. 120V/650W pærer
• 2 stk. Compact Studiobeams
• Leveres inkl. breakoutbox
Bemærk at dette er et blindersæt og derfor ikke velegnet til konstant lys.
Leverandør beskrivelse:
A compact, versatile and powerful blinder set. The Par 36 120V/650W lamp is integrated into the compact Studiobeam housing. The two Blinders are connected to the break-outbox by dedicated connectors. A great blinder effect for professional use. Please note that this is a blinder effect. The lamp is not suitable for continuous illumination. Delivery as set including 2 pieces Compact Studiobeam, breakout box and lamps. Ready to use.
• 2 stk. Compact Studiobeams
• Leveres inkl. breakoutbox
Bemærk at dette er et blindersæt og derfor ikke velegnet til konstant lys.
Leverandør beskrivelse:
A compact, versatile and powerful blinder set. The Par 36 120V/650W lamp is integrated into the compact Studiobeam housing. The two Blinders are connected to the break-outbox by dedicated connectors. A great blinder effect for professional use. Please note that this is a blinder effect. The lamp is not suitable for continuous illumination. Delivery as set including 2 pieces Compact Studiobeam, breakout box and lamps. Ready to use.
• Power supply: 230V / 50 Hz
• Power consumption: 1300W
• Lamp: Par 36 120V/650W DWE
• Power consumption: 1300W
• Lamp: Par 36 120V/650W DWE
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